Cloud Accounting made easy


Fast. Easy. Real-Time Results.

Bookkeeping shouldn't have to be this hard

Click Bookkeeping was founded off the premise that bookkeeping shouldn't be this hard. An entrepreneur himself, Kresten dreaded compiling his year-end and the endless amounts of paper and receipts. He decided that there had to be a better way to leverage technology and make bookkeeping fast, easy and efficient.


Get in touch

We at Click know that you need someone reliable to keep your business records up to date. Get in touch and see if we have a package that works for you. 

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About Kresten

Bookkeeper in Estevan - Canada

Founded in 2017

Kresten has always been an entrepreneur at heart with a passion for technology. He's a firm believer that when we can integrate technology into our lives, it changes our lives for the better. Kresten realized early on in his ventures that the current way of paper receipts and excel documents was not an efficient way to manage his time or his business. Moreover, he was receiving results from his bookkeeper once each year after the year was completed, not allowing him to see the full picture of his operations while in action. His goal was to combine his passion for technology, in a way that helps small business owners such as himself receive real time information about their books. He realized that understanding where his business was at during the year allowed for better budgeting and projections, and drove his goals for the next quarter.